WordPressバージョン: 4.9.26
PHPバージョン: 5.4.45
MySQLバージョン: 5.6.11

AddQuicktag 2.5.2  AddQuicktag 2.5.2
» Frank Bültge (url)
Allows you to easily add custom Quicktags to the html- and visual-editor.

Admin Management Xtended  Admin Management Xtended
» Oliver Schlöbe (url)
WordPress 4.3+ only. Extends admin functionalities by introducing: toggling post/page visibility inline, changing page order with drag’n’drop, inline category management, inline tag management, changing publication date inline, changing post slug inline, toggling comment status open/closed, hide draft posts, change media order, change media description inline, toggling link visibility, changing link categories

Akismet Anti-Spam 4.0.8  Akismet Anti-Spam 4.0.8
» Automattic (url)
Used by millions, Akismet is quite possibly the best way in the world to protect your blog from spam. It keeps your site protected even while you sleep. To get started: activate the Akismet plugin and then go to your Akismet Settings page to set up your API key.

AmazonJS 0.8  AmazonJS 0.8
» makoto_kw (url)
Easy to use interface to add an amazon product to your post and display it by using jQuery template.

BJ Lazy Load 1.0.9  BJ Lazy Load 1.0.9
» Bjørn Johansen, Aron Tornberg, angrycreative (url)
Lazy image loading makes your site load faster and saves bandwidth.

Contact Form 7 5.0.2  Contact Form 7 5.0.2
» Takayuki Miyoshi (url)
Just another contact form plugin. Simple but flexible.

Crayon Syntax Highlighter 2.8.4  Crayon Syntax Highlighter 2.8.4
» Aram Kocharyan (url)
Supports multiple languages, themes, highlighting from a URL, local file or post text.

DB Cache Reloaded Fix 2.3  DB Cache Reloaded Fix 2.3
» Ivan Kristianto (url)
The fastest cache engine for WordPress, that produces cache of database queries with easy configuration. (Disable and enable caching after update). Now compatible with WordPress 3.1.

Disqus Conditional Load 10.2.4  Disqus Conditional Load 10.2.4
» Joel James (url)
Advanced version of Disqus plugin with much more features like lazy load, shortcode etc.

Easygram 1.0.1  Easygram 1.0.1
» Obox Design (url)
Import your Instagram content into your WordPress site!

Excerpt Plugin for Nihongo 0.0.2  Excerpt Plugin for Nihongo 0.0.2
» Kentaro Kawano (url)
抜粋を良い感じに表示する、日本語向けのプラグイン。以下の優先順位で表示します。1. 抜粋があれば、抜粋を表示。2. moreタグが設定されていたら、そこまでを表示。3. 規定文字数まで句点を探し、近い位置まで表示。4. 句点がないか、規定文字数よりも大きすぎたら、規定文字数まで区切って表示。設定はプラグインを直接編集してください。

Exec-PHP 4.9  Exec-PHP 4.9
» Sören Weber (url)
Executes <?php ?> code in your posts, pages and text widgets.

Featured Image Admin Thumb 1.4.3  Featured Image Admin Thumb 1.4.3
» Sean Hayes (url)
Adds inline thumbnail image to admin columns for All Post/post types view (where supported). Click to easily set/change the featured image for that content.

Google Analytics Dashboard for WP (GADWP) 5.3.5  Google Analytics Dashboard for WP (GADWP) 5.3.5
» ExactMetrics (url)
Displays Google Analytics Reports and Real-Time Statistics in your Dashboard. Automatically inserts the tracking code in every page of your website.

Google XML Sitemaps 4.0.9  Google XML Sitemaps 4.0.9
» Arne Brachhold (url)
This plugin improves SEO using sitemaps for best indexation by search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo and others.

jcwp scroll to top 1.7  jcwp scroll to top 1.7
» Jaspreet Chahal (url)
This plugin gives you granular control on styles and positioning of your ‘Scroll to top’ text. Many variety of easing animations supported.

Jetpack by WordPress.com 6.2.4  Jetpack by WordPress.com 6.2.4
» Automattic (url)
Bring the power of the WordPress.com cloud to your self-hosted WordPress. Jetpack enables you to connect your blog to a WordPress.com account to use the powerful features normally only available to WordPress.com users.

lovstyle hacks 1.0  lovstyle hacks 1.0
» mokelov (url)
for lovstyle’s favorites functions

Master Post Advert 1.0.2  Master Post Advert 1.0.2
Display advertising between the introduction and post content.

Meks Smart Social Widget 1.3.4  Meks Smart Social Widget 1.3.4
» Meks (url)
Easily display more than 100 social icons inside WordPress widget. Choose from different icon shapes and sizes and quickly connect your website with your social profiles. Aim, Apple, Behance, Blogger, Cargo,

My Category Order 4.3  My Category Order 4.3
» Andrew Charlton (url)
My Category Order allows you to set the order in which categories will appear in the sidebar. Uses a drag and drop interface for ordering. Adds a widget with additional options for easy installation on widgetized themes.

Ozh' Admin Drop Down Menu 3.6.10  Ozh' Admin Drop Down Menu 3.6.10
» Ozh (url)
All admin links available in a neat horizontal drop down menu. Saves lots of screen real estate! For WordPress 4.0+

Pixabay Images 3.4  Pixabay Images 3.4
» Simon Steinberger (url)
Find quality public domain images from Pixabay and upload them with just one click.

Post-Plugin Library  Post-Plugin Library
» Rob Marsh, SJ (url)
Does nothing by itself but supplies common code for the Similar Posts, Recent Posts, Random Posts, and Recent Comments plugins. Make sure you have the latest version of this plugin.

Post Thumbnail Editor 2.4.8  Post Thumbnail Editor 2.4.8
» sewpafly (url)
Individually manage your post thumbnails

PuSHPress 0.1.9  PuSHPress 0.1.9
» Joseph Scott & Automattic (url)
WebSub/PubSubHubbub plugin for WordPress that includes the hub

SB-RSS_feed-plus 1.4.14  SB-RSS_feed-plus 1.4.14
» Ladislav Soukup (ladislav.soukup@gmail.com) (url)
This plugin will add post thumbnail to RSS feed items. Add signatur or simple ads. Create fulltext RSS (via special url).

Similar Posts 3.0.0  Similar Posts 3.0.0
» Shareaholic (url)
Displays a highly configurable list of related posts. Similarity can be based on any combination of word usage in the content, title, or tags.

Simple Image Sizes 3.2.0  Simple Image Sizes 3.2.0
» Rahe (url)
Add options in media setting page for images sizes

Simple Tags 2.4.7  Simple Tags 2.4.7
» Amaury BALMER (url)
Extended Tagging for WordPress : Terms suggestion, Mass Edit Terms, Auto link Terms, Ajax Autocompletion, Click Terms, Advanced manage terms, etc.

Smart Archives Reloaded 2.0.5  Smart Archives Reloaded 2.0.5
» scribu (url)
An elegant and easy way to present your posts, grouped by year and month.

Special Text Boxes 5.9.107  Special Text Boxes 5.9.107
» minimus (url)
Adds simple colored text boxes to highlight some portion of post text. Use it for highlights warnings, alerts, infos and downloads in your blog posts. Visit SimpleLib blog for more details.

Wfflop 4.0.0  Wfflop 4.0.0
» Hideaki Ohtani (url)
サイト全体を日本語Webフォントに変換するプラグインです。お使いのテーマに合わせてフォント指定する場合は、Wp3.xは「外観→テーマ編集」でテーマCSSを編集するか、Wp4.Xは「外観→Custom CSS Editor」でCSSを追記してください。

WordPress Ping Optimizer  WordPress Ping Optimizer
» Pankaj Jha (url)
Saves your wordpress blog from getting tagged as ping spammer. (Note: This plugin is a fork of the cbnet Ping Optimizer plugin.)

WordPress Visual Icon Fonts 0.5.7  WordPress Visual Icon Fonts 0.5.7
» Paul van Zyl (url)
Easily and quickly add an extended ‘Font Awesome’ icon font icons to your content in the visual editor, visual icon management, search and filter all at your fingertips with this handy plugin.

WP-DBManager 2.79.1  WP-DBManager 2.79.1
» Lester 'GaMerZ' Chan (url)
Manages your WordPress database. Allows you to optimize database, repair database, backup database, restore database, delete backup database , drop/empty tables and run selected queries. Supports automatic scheduling of backing up, optimizing and repairing of database.

WP-PluginsUsed 1.50  WP-PluginsUsed 1.50
» Lester 'GaMerZ' Chan (url)
Display WordPress plugins that you currently have (both active and inactive) onto a post/page.

WP-PostViews 1.75  WP-PostViews 1.75
» Lester 'GaMerZ' Chan (url)
Enables you to display how many times a post/page had been viewed.

WP Lightbox 2  WP Lightbox 2
» Syed Balkhi (url)
WP Lightbox 2 is awesome tool for adding responsive lightbox (overlay) effect for images and also create lightbox for photo albums/galleries on your WordPress blog. WordPress Lightbox is one of the most useful plugins for your website.

WP Multibyte Patch 2.8.1  WP Multibyte Patch 2.8.1
» Seisuke Kuraishi (url)
Multibyte functionality enhancement for the WordPress Japanese package.

WP Rakuten Link 0.6.1  WP Rakuten Link 0.6.1
» にゆうふ (url)

WP Social Bookmarking Light 2.0.7  WP Social Bookmarking Light 2.0.7
» utahta (url)
This plugin inserts social share links at the top or bottom of each post.

WP Tab Widget 1.2  WP Tab Widget 1.2
» MyThemeShop (url)
WP Tab Widget is the AJAXified plugin which loads content by demand, and thus it makes the plugin incredibly lightweight.